Subversion Task
Subversion + ANT 사용시 대게 아래와 같이 svn Task를 정의해서 쓰지만,
<typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml" classpathref="project.classpath" />
저 처럼 org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.SVN를 직접 사용하시는 분도 있을듯.
[java] status (stat, st): Print the status of working copy files and directories.
[java] usage: status [PATH...]
[java] With no args, print only locally modified items (no network access).
[java] With -q, print only summary information about locally modified items.
[java] With -u, add working revision and server out-of-date information.
[java] With -v, print full revision information on every item.
[java] The first six columns in the output are each one character wide:
[java] First column: Says if item was added, deleted, or otherwise changed
[java] ' ' no modifications
[java] 'A' Added
[java] 'C' Conflicted
[java] 'D' Deleted
[java] 'I' Ignored
[java] 'M' Modified
[java] 'R' Replaced
[java] 'X' item is unversioned, but is used by an externals definition
[java] '?' item is not under version control
[java] '!' item is missing (removed by non-svn command) or incomplete
[java] '~' versioned item obstructed by some item of a different kind
[java] Second column: Modifications of a file's or directory's properties
[java] ' ' no modifications
[java] 'C' Conflicted
[java] 'M' Modified
[java] Third column: Whether the working copy directory is locked
[java] ' ' not locked
[java] 'L' locked
[java] Fourth column: Scheduled commit will contain addition-with-history
[java] ' ' no history scheduled with commit
[java] '+' history scheduled with commit
[java] Fifth column: Whether the item is switched relative to its parent
[java] ' ' normal
[java] 'S' switched
[java] Sixth column: Repository lock token
[java] (without -u)
[java] ' ' no lock token
[java] 'K' lock token present
[java] (with -u)
[java] ' ' not locked in repository, no lock token
[java] 'K' locked in repository, lock toKen present
[java] 'O' locked in repository, lock token in some Other working copy
[java] 'T' locked in repository, lock token present but sTolen
[java] 'B' not locked in repository, lock token present but Broken
[java] The out-of-date information appears in the eighth column (with -u):
[java] '*' a newer revision exists on the server
[java] ' ' the working copy is up to date
[java] Remaining fields are variable width and delimited by spaces:
[java] The working revision (with -u or -v)
[java] The last committed revision and last committed author (with -v)
[java] The working copy path is always the final field, so it can
[java] include spaces.
[java] Example output:
[java] svn status wc
[java] M wc/bar.c
[java] A + wc/qax.c
[java] svn status -u wc
[java] M 965 wc/bar.c
[java] * 965 wc/foo.c
[java] A + 965 wc/qax.c
[java] Status against revision: 981
[java] svn status --show-updates --verbose wc
[java] M 965 938 shurik wc/bar.c
[java] * 965 922 semen wc/foo.c
[java] A + 965 687 alex wc/qax.c
[java] 965 687 alex wc/zig.c
[java] Status against revision: 981
[java] Valid options:
[java] -u [--show-updates] : display update information
[java] -v [--verbose] : print extra information
[java] -N [--non-recursive] : obsolete; try --depth=files or --depth=immediates
[java] --depth ARG : limit operation by depth ARG ('empty', 'files',
[java] 'immediates', or 'infinity')
[java] -q [--quiet] : print nothing, or only summary information
[java] --no-ignore : disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores
[java] --incremental : give output suitable for concatenation
[java] --xml : output in XML
[java] --ignore-externals : ignore externals definitions
[java] --changelist ARG : operate only on members of changelist ARG
[java] [aliases: --cl]
[java] Global options:
[java] --username ARG : specify a username ARG
[java] --password ARG : specify a password ARG
[java] --no-auth-cache : do not cache authentication tokens
[java] --non-interactive : do no interactive prompting
[java] --config-dir ARG : read user configuration files from directory ARG
task를 사용할 경우 보다 좀 원초적이지만 더 많은 기능을 제공해 주는 듯 합니다.
이런저런 Command 중 org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.SVN 의 status를 사용하면 "svn status PROJECT_DIR" 과 같은 결과를 쉽게 얻을 수 있습니다. 즉, repository와 sync를 걸지 않고 수정/추가/삭제된 파일들의 정보를 얻을 수 있죠. 소스를 파보면 더 많은 정보가..
이거와 몇개를 이용해서 svn을 이용한 배포툴을 생각하고 있습니다. 대게 svn까지 해서 배포는 war나 ftp 등 기타등등으로 하는데요. 이경우 필드에서는 좀 안맞기도 하죠.
이전 회사에서 김풍주님(님으로 쓰니 새롭네..)이 그런형태로 만든것이 있었는데, 전 또 저 나름대로 방식이 필요해서 역시 하고 싶은건 많고 애기는 울고 아내는 일찍와~ 하고..ㅋㅋ